Center Stage Performing Teams Auditions Announced!
We would like to start some teams for our younger students so ALL ages are encouraged to attend auditions if you are interested in a team. We will do 3 competitions next year and are hopefully planning a trip to perform at Walt Disney World if we have enough people interested!
(This trip would not be mandatory for performing team members but would be an optional trip/performance). You can audition for all or just one type of team – up to you!! Audition times are as follows:
Tap teams – Saturday June 4 from 1:30 – 2:30 pm
Musical theatre teams – Saturday June 4 from 2:30 – 3:30 pm
Hip Hop teams – Tuesday June 7 from 8-9 pm
Jazz teams – Wednesday June 8 from 7-8 pm
Contemporary teams – Wednesday June 8 from 8-9 pm